Avengers_ Endgame Now Just A Little Over $20 Million Away From Avatar

Avengers: Endgame Now Just A Little Over $20 Million Away From Avatar

Avengers_ Endgame Now Just A Little Over $20 Million Away From Avatar
The fans speculated that the Avengers- Endgame re-release will beat the record of James Cameron’s Avatar but it didn’t seem to be following the footsteps to close the gap.

The re-release got bashed by fans and critics for poor CGI on Mark Ruffalo’s Professor Hulk which came out to be the deleted scene that Marvel hinted before the re-release.

But most fans were not happy with it because the scene didn’t serve any meaning to the fans or didn’t convey what was going to happen to the Hulk later in the MCU, it was just there for god knows “Why”??

But even after that Endgame came out to be someone who never gives up hope as it is now just over $20 Million away from the title it deserves.

It is struggling with collecting just over an average of $800K every day after it’s release. At this pace, it doesn’t seem to cross Avatar because of new releases.

As because of now Far From Home is in theatres the nostalgia for Endgame is fading and the SpiderMan flick is garnering more and more good reviews and it’s own plot details and end credits sequence are more of a topic people are caring about.

 Must Watch: Why Fans Are Upset With Avengers: Endgame Re-release??

The reason however for the dull performance of Endgame seems to be the content Marvel provided in the Re-release. It wasn’t enough to drive the audience back to theatres one more time just by showing them an unfinished Hulk scene with the worst CGI till date in the whole MCU

Let’s still not lose hope and witness how much steam is left in the Avengers: Endgame.

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